Thursday, 9 April 2015

Happy Birthday to us... we are FIVE!!!

The sun is shining and from our North Coast office I watch another Easter season draws to a close, and I cast my mind back to this time five years ago when I took the plunge to go out on my own and set up Epitome. What an unbelievable five years we have had, we have filled more than 1000 jobs for over 600 companies across Northern Ireland and even spread our wings to the rest of the UK and Ireland. And to think it all started back just before Easter 2010 when during a sales strategy meeting at my last formal 'employer' I sat up and said 'NO'. I said NO to charging clients 20% placement fees, NO to speccing out countless CVs to companies on the hope of getting a hit, NO to prepping candidates for jobs that they really weren't suited to. I thought I wanted out of recruitment all together but once I had time to think and took the Easter holidays to recover from my sudden outburst (and imminent unemployment) I realised that I didn't want out of recruitment I wanted to create a service that offered employers a real alternative to the traditional recruitment agency. From there Epitome Recruitment was born. Offering our clients a real alternative to the standard recruitment solutions is something we are passionate about. But getting the message that we are different is something that we continue to struggle with. Companies shut down at the mention of recruitment - not another recruitment agency being a response we hear often. And candidates continuously try to oversell themselves and expect us to 'find them a job'. What we have created in the last five years is a fresh and transparent approach to recruiting, we do that by primarily not making promises we might not be able to keep. After-all Recruitment involves people, and anyone involved in hiring staff will testify that when dealing with people nothing should be taken for granted. What we do promise is: We will get your vacancy maximum exposure across the job boards and social media, we can also link in with your own career site. We will take away all the time consuming and boring admin that comes with hiring. We will screen ALL applicants against client criteria, if they don't fit they don't get through We will give ALL applicants a response to each and every application they make We will only charge the client a FLAT FEE depending on the service they select, therefore if you find a great candidate and want to pay them more that originally intended we won't increase our fee. We will work with our clients to design and launch a recruitment campaign that will attract and engage applicants We will give our clients access to ALL their applications if they want them, via our bespoke applicant tracking system We have come so far in the last five years and we are only getting started. If you want to find out more about our services and how we can help you recruit successfully contact us today. But for now I am off to eat cake and celebrate the first five years with the team. Best regards Emma Gunes Founder & Owner Epitome Recruitment

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