Friday, 6 September 2013

Dance for your money

Over these last few weeks several employers have been getting themselves into hot water about their interview practices, selection criteria, non payment of interns, and some comments about lack of work ethic in our young folk. It would appear the media is determined to create two sides 'the big bad employer' and the 'hard done by young workforce'.

I am probably going to ruffle a few feathers in the next few sentences but as a recruiter and soon to be full time employer I can't help but agree with Jamie Oliver, so many of our 'young people' just don't have a strong work ethic, many seem to think they are doing the employer a favour just turning up.

Have we become a nation full of people who 'can't be bothered?'

I am entrepreneur/recruiter/employer/mother and whatever else you want to fit into my job description. Every day I despair at the number of same old same old CVs I get from applicants. I can tell almost instantly which university a graduate has attended just by the format of the CV, the increase in poor spelling and grammar would have my old English Language teacher turning in her grave. But it is not even the poor spelling that really gets to me it is the lack of originality in applications. So many graduates are leaving our universities with NO work experience, no demonstration of having achieved anything other than good grades, they are 22 years old and have never worked a day in their lives and yet they expect to walk into a 'Managers' job! It's time we got real, starting in the homes, the schools and later in University and prepared our youth for the reality that is the work place - to succeed you need to work hard and do what it takes to win. Employers are not just looking for academic genius, they need people who can communicate, work with customers, be creative and if you can't even put together a good job application how are you going to add value to my business.

So when Curry's asked a graduate to dance at his interview, literally 'dance for his money' did I think this was outrageous, no I did not! I actually thought it was brilliant, someone who is prepared to dance at an interview is going to have no problem dealing with customers and difficult situations, they will bring a bit of fun into the work place and they won't be afraid to put themselves out there.

Time to stop taking 'recruiting' so seriously, businesses need real people who are prepared to do what it takes to get the job done, not someone as Jamie Oliver said who gets their mummy to call in and tell the boss they are working them too hard!

Job seekers out there if you want to get the job of your dreams you need to become more inventive to get your CV noticed and when you get the job you need to prove to your employer that your are making a contribution. If you want to watch a film that will inspire you I recommend the Will Smith movie 'The Pursuit of Happyness', Chris Gardner is a fantastic inspiration of a young man who was not going to give up on his dream of success and he achieved it through nothing more that hard work, determination and a little bit of creative genius.

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